18. März 2019

Eine Reise in die Vergangenheit

Am 21.2.2019 machte die Klasse 2b einen Lehrausgang zu „Time Travel“ in der Habsburgergasse 10a. Es war eine Art „Zeitreise“ durch Wien. Die Führung war spannend und erlebnisreich. Es gab ein tolles 5D Kino, wo der (kurze) Film nicht nur dreidimensional war, sondern man auch das Geschehen mitfühlen konnte. In der dunklen und düsteren „Pestgrube“ konnte man die pestverseuchten  Leichen und einen „Pestdoktor“ sehen, die die etwas ängstlich gewordenen Gäste beeindruckten. Es gab auch einen Luftschutzbunker, wo man erleben konnte, wie man sich in den Kriegszeiten fühlte – ein aufregendes Erlebnis mit den laut explodierenden Bomben des Luftangriffs auf Wien.

Ich fand die Führung sehr toll und es war ein Erlebnis, das ich nie vergessen werde.

Luca A. Monschein

It was a sunny morning when we went to Time Travel on Thursday. We hung our coats and went on the tour. The guide lead us down to a wine cellar, which is approximately 50m deep. Sadly, the wine barrels have been empty for a very long time. “Some tour groups didn’t make it out,” the guide said to us. Then he left us all alone. Suddenly, the pictures of Mozart, Sisi, Karl Seitz and the “Time Travel monk” started moving! Then, once the very disturbing pictures (except the monk) were away, the monk welcomed us in his time machine.

After that the tour guide appeared again and lead us to another room. It was actually a 5D cinema! I was ready for everything, because I had gone there with my primary school already, so when the part with the rat turned up, I was ready for the swishing tails to touch my legs and that way I didn’t get an ice-cold chill passing through my body.

Lots of my classmates were happy when it ended and we moved on to the Habsburger monarchy. They talked about their whole family tree and the Heiratspolitik (which my classmate Felipe and I talked about in our presentation).

Next up was a part that didn’t exist when I went there before and that part is about the plague in Vienna and about “Kind Augustin,” the only person who was immune to the plague. After that, we met Mozart and Strauss and went on the “Vienna waltz” ride. This was followed by the air-raid shelter, where we took part in an air-raid during World War II in Vienna. With the Fiaker ride we brought ourselves back to 2019.

After the guide said farewell to us, we went to the Stephansdom. We looked around there and as the last thing, we went to a bakery nearby, walked to the bus stop at Volkstheater and then took the bus back to school after an exciting trip.

Jakub Kolanek