Dublin 6AB September 2024
The Dublin trip was one of the most amazing and memorable trips I have ever done. Personally, I had a great time with the class and I can say that it was lovely spending so much time and getting to know my classmates better through moments of laughter but also deep talks where I got to know my mates better. I realized again the beauty of life and the gifts that it has to offer . Being a follower of Christ I am very thankful for God making this trip possible with such great teachers, who organized our time very well in Dublin and providing us with great activities and enough free-time. They also kept the balance between being not too strict but also making the rules clear and being consistent very well.

Highlights: One of them was actually something we did in our free-time, where six of us went to Malahide by the sea and enjoyed the sunset. There is something special about the ocean and cliffs in Ireland. This brings me to the second highlight, Bray Beach. We were able to hike Bray Headand enjoy a wonderful view of the Irish landscape. Awesome! But I could go on with this list for ever. However, the last thing I have to mention is the wonderful host family that we had, that helped us with organizing, finding the way to school and being so kind to us. We really liked them. But as I said the list is endless.
Point of criticism: The only thing that I was a bit disappointed with was Howth Cliff Walk. I would have loved to go towards the Cliffs and see more of them but we actually more or less just walked down from the Cliffs into the city.
But this one thing doesn’t arace the rest which was, as I said, one of the best trips I have done so far. I am really thankful for this time. And eventually, when I am old and look back to this time in Ireland with my friends, I will get filled with joy knowing I am blessed with this memory.
Jeremy Kägi, 6A